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Knowing the Team You Serve With

There is a quote from Babe Ruth I love. “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play well together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” How well do you know your team? How well […]

Knowing Your Donors

If yours is a listener-supported Christian radio station, or you carry programs that depend on donor support, there’s something you can begin doing today to revolutionize your station’s support-base. Become passionate about serving your donors. I believe that God has brought specific donors into the life of our stations “as a trust.” What you and […]

Knowing Your Mission

Whenever I hear the word “mission” I think of Mission Impossible and the statement, “This is your mission should you choose to accept it.” A radio station’s mission, ought to be more than a set of words written on the wall or posted on your station’s web page.  While not a mission impossible, your mission […]

Misión Compartida

I had the privilege of going to Quito, Ecuador as part of KSBJ Mentoring to coach HCJB's Sharathon, which they call Misión Compartida. Their on-air fundraisers are similar to those in the US with one big exception – they have an open house. This open house includes activities for kids, food trucks, a concert with multiple [...]

Just Try It

You do not have because you do not ask. I am often afraid to try things because I’m afraid of what others will think or how it will be received. That fear sucks! It is what has kept me from doing so many things in life. I had been wanting one of those adjustable desks […]


I know a lady who goes out of her way to make others feel good. She will do a full-blown art project and decorate someone’s office. No one asks her to and it’s not a part of her job description. But this is how she brings joy and surprise to the people she works with. […]

Making the Phone Lines Ring

Your on-air fundraiser is fast approaching and that most certainly brings up a bit of anxiety and concern about what to say. Consciously or not, we feel this responsibility to say the right things to make the phones ring. If only there were a few magic words to make that happen. As with any other [...]

Improv in Real Life

Have you ever been asked the same question over and over by different people, and then got tired of having to give the same answer? Try a little real-life improv to spice things up and get the creative juices flowing. True story. A colleague hurt her knee playing soccer and came to work with one […]

Finding and Developing Great Talent

Did you hear about the radio station that hired the goofy YouTube star to be their newest on-air talent? You know that is not a set-up for a joke because it has happened a few times. But is it advisable? Let’s think about it. What makes a great radio talent? Is it a wonderful, buttery [...]

Elusive Confidence

It’s the leadership trait that Harvard Business Review says few leaders succeed without. Tony Schwartz, president & CEO of The Energy Project says, “Confidence equals security equals positive emotion equals better performance.” Confidence is that “never-let-them-see-you-sweat” attitude, the strong voice that carries decisions rooted in firm conviction. That’s the trait of confidence most often associated with leaders. […]

You’re the best! … Until You’re Not

I am not good at ping-pong. I’m ok, but I know a guy who was a whole lot better. He was better because he kept beating me and everyone else who played at that level. Then some other guys showed up who were much better than him, and he was forced to step up his [...]

I Took Your Spot

I do something, on purpose, that bothers many people. I sit in “their” seat. Yep. I’m that guy. I once had a college professor who challenged us to not do the same thing every time we entered a room, a meeting, or class. He had us all switch seats for the day rather than go [...]

Editing Yourself

"In your opinion, how long does a good movie last?" This was the question I asked at a recent radio training workshop I led. Obviously, I thought it was a good question, but why would I talk about movies during a radio training session? I am intrigued by the job of a movie editor. They [...]

Needs, Wants and Fears Analysis

We often hear of companies doing "SWOT" analysis. This is vital to develop a clear plan and to evaluate where they are and what their options are. SWOT stands for: strengths • weaknesses • opportunities • threats As a CCM station, it's important to do a SWOT analysis not only on your radio station but [...]

Advice for New PDs

For the winning programmer, your job is going to be different every day, but just about every day you’ll need to concern yourself with the following: Playing the “hits” Coaching your communicators Listening to your listeners 360-degree management Leveraging new media Maybe you’re a new PD or a seasoned veteran . . . we have [...]

The Water Sprinkler Syndrome

If you’ve ever walked a fairway on a golf course you may have noticed that, while everything around you is a verdant green, the area closest to the sprinkler heads that water the course is often dry and brown. This might be how internal communication at your station looks. The people closest to the source [...]

Lead Like Jesus

Be resolved to do whatever it takes to make your ministry successful, no matter how BIG or hard the decisions are. LEAD LIKE JESUS Be the Example. People follow those who lead and manage by example. Support Others: If the leader cares for others, good things happen. Honesty, Trust, and Responsibility: These three ingredients make [...]

Doing the Right Thing or Doing Things Right?

“Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.” (Peter Drucker) Doing something right is important, and we should work diligently in that direction. But if you only “do things right,” you’ll just keep up with everyone else. However, if you also work hard at doing the right thing, you will leapfrog [...]

What Can Your Station Do Better Than Anyone Else?

Listeners are not looking for radio stations that sound alike. They’re looking for an experience that’s like no other. While you may not YET be the best at what you do, shouldn’t you be working toward that goal? If you concentrate on what you’re passionate about, what drives your mission, and what your listeners have [...]